Monday, December 31, 2012


What Was 2012 All About?

Moving one household to a smaller house was the major challenge for 2012; and I do mean major. Just before the mid-May move I had a bad case of inflamed bursitis in the left hip.  Just after the move I broke a metatarsal bone and during it all Ed was limping about on a bad knee.

We thought a couple of months getting reorganized would do it; ha! We did not even have closets until nearly the end of June and were still hiring a helper (Scott by name) in August as Ed could not lift and I was still wearing a ‘boot;’ we were a pitiful pair. Once the podiatrist said the boot could come off my foot & ankle were still weak and aching weeks later. 

October meant another birthday arrived; the calendar said number 7-0 but I felt much older after a season of chaos and upheaval. Ed insisted we take advantage of the Center’s dining room and host a catered event. ALL 40 new neighbors on Hawthorne Drive (all with new villas just like ours) were invited for champagne and hors d’ oeuvres on Sunday afternoon.
After my grand 70th birthday we made plans for a quiet Thanksgiving going to the posh Le Sienna Hotel for a champagne buffet as our ‘Last Supper.’ Knowing that our holiday would be very lo-key this year we prepped the house for Ed’s confinement.   

December 10th Ed had full knee-replacement surgery at UNC Hospital. That means the bone-to-bone contact was re-sculpted, a metal & plastic fitting was inserted and fit between the leg and thigh. He stayed in the hospital for five days, with physical therapy beginning the day he came home. Within days he was standing with the aid of a walker and walking slowly but only to the bathroom and back to bed.

The therapist, Laura, comes three times a week for at least an hour to see that his knee-bend [aka range-of-motion], increases. At this point his favorite challenge to me did a turn about: “No pain, No gain.”  He’s not really happy about the pain. I’m not really happy about being exhausted; doing all the housework, the shopping &; cooking AND caring for an invalid full time. We both look forward to better days when our lives get back to normal.
By December 21st we returned to UNC hospital for his first post-op review with the doctor. In the waiting room we found our dance teacher, Bruce Gillooly who was there for his two-year check-up after the same operation. The two commiserated on the pain and therapy.

Meanwhile I found time to make ‘Mug Rugs’ for the neighbors who brought food and good cheer over the month. The colorful thank-you gifts were met with much delight: also got me focused on sewing again and thinking about what to make when I do have more time to myself.

What did we do December 24-25? Very quiet Christmas. A pre-ordered take-out Christmas Dinner was delivered on Monday and we made dinner our whole holiday; at least Ed could walk to the table. And he was getting in and out of the shower by himself.  The day after Christmas the therapist switched him from walker to a cane and he has been picking up speed (poking into everything). He’s been so bored for so long he cannot wait to get out of bed but he still can not go far without giving the leg a rest.

The biggest advance at this date is that Sunday, 12/30 he made it into my car (carefully as he must bend the knee to get into the car), and we headed out to our favorite Asian restaurant for dinner and two days of take-out. Once home again he was exhausted. Of great help to me is the handicap hangar for the car so I do not have to walk as far. Standing on my feet most of the month my recently broken left-foot has been aching more and needing some special attention. 

Now we wait to see what will happen to our taxes and the inevitable inflation, watching Congress bicker to the very end. After the election there was some hope of improvement but the GOP seems determined to prevent that. What’s sad is watching the list of celebrities who have died this past year: Dick Clark, Andy Griffiths and Helen Gurley Brown: can they really be gone?  But I’m still here. 
We spent the first six months of the year working to sell the house, then packing and moving. The last six months have dealt almost entirely with health issues; feet, hips and knees – we took turns. Need I say how much we are looking forward to 2013?
Happy New Year


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