Thursday, July 18, 2013

AH HA! Relief at last. For over a year the headboard of our bed has constantly knocked against the wall. Annoying at the very least except to my DH who cannot hear or feel the bump, bump bump because after 9:01 p.m., he's out for the night.

Not me. Asking him to fix the problem did not work so I finally gave up and called campus maintenance office to send over a fix-it guy. After a week I thought the request had been dumped but not so. Young Mark arrived this morning unexpectedly to 'review the situation.' What fun, I'm sure the  office was wondering if this was due to wild raucous sex every night which is far from reality. Even turning over or re-arranging the pillows caused more bump, bumps.

The resolution, first he tightened the bolts that connect the headboard to the bed frame that were installed incorrectly when we moved (too little and too few). This required getting another pair of bolts to fill in the frame connection. And a pair of 2x4s" cut to about 3" each were placed on the floor between the frame leg and the baseboard so that even as the headboard sways just a little it will not hit the wall. Devine! This means I can get to sleep without trying to ignore the bump, bumps in the night. Heaven at last!

Just made a salmon salad with rice and peas (for me, DH does not like peas in his salad. Don't ask), and a broccoli salad for dinner tonight. In the summer heat getting the food-prep out of the way early in the day works best for me and I have a back-up salad to give away.

The give-away thought in that I just heard about a neighbor friend who just broke a foot. As one who spent last summer in a 'boot' for a broken 5th L metatarsal ending up with a crooked spine I can relate to her current woes. Will deliver a quart of salmon salad later this afternoon so she can get off her feet a little more. Dinner for me will be early as I have to leave by 4:45 p.m. for the Wellness Center.

Just before my afternoon 'Swimming Lesson' number 4. Yes, at my mature age I have decided this is the summer I WILL learn to swim. Or at least float, or maybe do a crawl stroke - so far I have just learned to lift my legs and kick; the current lesson is how to lower the legs and stop. Beginning and ending seem to be the hardest part so far. That and overcoming the fear factor of being in the water: terror, panic and sheer anxiety. And some people think learning to dance is hard (?).

Our Friday 4 o'clock Dance Teacher will be away this week and next (he does cycling marathons), so I am filling in as DJ with music from strict tempo recordings. The response to the ballroom dance classes has been less than hoped for but once they hear the hour is 'free' without the instructor I'm sure a lot more people will come for the hour. By 5 pm the exercise is over and it is time to dress and enjoy a drink before dinner. Everybody likes that part.

This week was tough, two quilt guilds meeting Sunday and Monday; lessons on Tuesday & Thursday and house-prep tomorrow morning before the housekeeper arrives. Next week I can focus on swimming every day and keep kicking. Until I master swimming or drown, whichever comes first. . . .


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