Friday, August 30, 2013

TGIFabulous Friday

Sort of. . . a fabulous Friday.  We did have ballroom dance today and we learned a new Rumba step. And I had a good swim practice this morning.

That's the good news.  My legs are aching and two Aleve are not doing their thing fast enough; my sister is responding to a F-I-L who is aging and ill. We gave away two tickets for a later Sunday theater day when we'll be away but otherwise our fall theater schedule is in play. Tomorrow I fix a fruit salad supper, Sunday is leftover salmon salad but MONDAY is a holiday. Yea! The abundant holiday buffet in the Club Dining Room will be filled with wonderful dishes.

First we reserved a table for TEN for the noon buffet; meaning that I shop for flowers tomorrow and get the individual mug-vases ready for filling. The place cards and party favors are done and best of all: the battery operated tiny light to encircle the table are ready and WORKING!  The guests for this buffet will be delighted.

Afterwards the Studio is ours for the 4 o'clock Labor Day Dance with music provided by DJ Moi, BB. Began to revise the play list this afternoon adding some more Rumbas and Cha-Cha-Cha's. Next Friday when we have the regular lesson we choose a new dance for the month but because August had five Fridays the instructor taught five new steps. Everyone should be ready to Rumba for the holiday dance.

Remember the post about marble counter top cut-outs? I pictured the orchids atop a green marble round.  Slow as orchids are (VERY slow) the stems had shown nubs for weeks (left), then a leaf formed, followed by a real bud taking it's own sweet time.

There was this bug-sized bud that lasted for two weeks at least.

Then one day, wonder of wonders. the bud began to open very slowly.

Expecting that within a day or two a huge blossom would unfold, more time passed. Slowly.  They take forever to decide but once they do - stand back.

The color is spectacular as is the reticulation, the netting pattern over the larger petals.

Worth the wait - definitely.

What else am I waiting for?

Needed a pair of swim goggles that did not hurt my head or leave circles around my eyes. Somehow I have managed to bruise my eye sockets, dark circles under the eyes prompted me to buy a new jar of eye creme, but the effect has been minimal. If the goggles are too loose I get water leaks and if there are too tight they hurt my eyes. Online I found a pair of Aqua-Sphere wide goggles that cover more of the face and mount above the eyebrows. They also leave impressions but at least the eye sockets are saved from circles and soreness.

What an older woman does not need is dark circles just because she wants to learn to swim. Somehow this should not make an already difficult process even worse. Is anybody out there designing wider, bigger goggles that don't leak?  BTW, am not convinced that the eye creme is doing anything other than keeping my face slick. Once a woman passes 50, very little to save the sagging skin is possible.
There is the option of a face lift but who's going to believe that I am 49 again? Ha!

Meantime I finished the covers for two journals intended for gifts. Stay tuned, more about that later. b

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