Saturday, August 17, 2013


It must be fabulous - I'm so tired I cannot think otherwise.

Early this morning headed right to Durham to pick up edged-finished UbaTuba granite pieces left over from my last house and saved when we moved so I have a piece of that house with me always. Do I sound crazy?  Not so.  See: NC Custom Stone & Marble

Years ago Mother was tossing the chest of drawers that had been the baby's chest, the boy's chest, my chest and finally her notion-saving chest that was falling apart. BUT the oak top, warn as it was, still solid oak. Thinking how much this chest had been through and with the whole family; what to do?  My sister and I each have a round (about 15" dia.), oak cutting board. Mine is often used for cheese and crackers (or was before I gave up dairy foods). Still is a functional cutting board for anything. Great memory and very useful piece of wood.

When the aforementioned house was built I saved the light green marble cut-out from the master bath vanity and had a circle finished which has been used as tray, table top and currently displays orchids on the porch.

But I did not get around to the cut-outs from the kitchen sinks (2), until we sold the house. Today I picked up one 16" round diameter and one 30" oval, both 3/4" counter top-depth, edged, polished and looking great in the house. UbaTuba is a dark greenish-black with shards of mica that glisten a golden sparkle, I love the color.

The oval may stay on the island counter to hold flower vases or hot tea pots; the round serves as a small, chair side table-top on the porch. DH has not yet seen the bill so I'm safe for a little bit longer.

And that was just the beginning of the day. Next I headed to Durham's "Scrap Exchange," at the 'new' location (I had not been there before). See:The Scrap Exchange.  Not too far from the granite shop, on the east side of Durham it is located in a former belt factory and not easy to find. Thanks be to the traffic gods of Google Maps, I found the way.

My shopping consisted of three small fabric scraps and one rubber stamp with a leaf impression. I could have spent hours and think this is just the place to bring the crafters from Open Studio - but later this fall. Did not spend too much time because I intend to go back in a few weeks - got much to do with swimming and getting ready for a September trip.

But still to be purchased was new swim goggles as the current ones are leaking water into my eyes - not good. Dick's in New Hope Commons plaza was the place to go BUT  - - did someone say school was starting? ONe of the joys of living in a university town is "Move In Weekend."  Dick's was not crowded but the traffic in and out was bumper to bumper because students were all heading to Walmart on the other side of the plaza to buy dorm supplies. Get me out of there soon!  This means we do not shop on north 15-501 highway until after Labor Day when the school terms are underway.

Finally, home again with Ballroom Basics at 4 o'clock. This week six couples practiced Rumba steps with instructor Bruce. Dinner with DH at 6:15 and home to bed. Is it the week over yet?  Did I survive? 

I had strawberries in the fridge that I wanted to stem, slice and soak in a balsamic-honey mixture to have with angel food cake. Got the strawberries prepped; too tired for the cake. Tomorrow. 

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