Monday, August 12, 2013


Go-go-go; who said retirement was for retiring?  Early this a.m. I headed to Hillsborough to see an orthopedist only to discover he had moved the office to Durham to the center of the Orthopedic Clinic (?).  Why did I drive 25 miles out of my way only to return to Durham?  No one told me.

What the doc did say was that swimming was a good idea and that oral steroids might just help with joint pain. At this point the side of effects of swimming are 1:1. The good news is I've lost weight; the bad news is my joints ache. All is all, just about average for my life!

Left the office for the Wellness center to practice today's swim moves, then headed to the pharmacy to collect the Rx and begin the 5-day oral therapy for joint bursitis.  Wonder if I should have asked for something for exhaustion?  Cannot do caffeine because if I get the jitters it is distracting from swimming. It's scary enough without the jitters.

The sticky image to the right is the one leaf and one bud on the porch orchid. This was orchid #1 bought last year to brighten the house. Twice it has bloomed since but now I have 2 orchids parked on the screened-porch to gather the high humidity and heat we've endured this summer. Apparently they love it and seem to be thriving. This one is developing a huge singular bud, the other orchid (a gift) is just resting for the moment.  Neither seem in a hurry to do anything major.

A blooming orchid in the house brings with it a sense of abundance, how many woman have an orchid to enjoy?  I feel so blessed.

Neighbor Mrs. S is on the mend after gall bladder surgery. Friday I brought home flowers to create a small bouquet for her.  My job was flowers as neighbor MJ makes the recovery-chicken soup, Mr. R walks the dog and Mrs. J does the good cheer.  Once the neighbors know one of us is ill we reconnoiter the duty roister to send help.

This image is of Mrs S's twin bouquet which stayed in my kitchen; the note beside it a Thank You card from step daughter Jane thanking me for the quilted shirt-backed pillows send last month.  Jane is also in recovery from both a broken wrist and moving into a new house. Not the ideal situation.

Back to sewing before this post becomes a health report.  Am trying to get back to the Flynn Frame trial BUT got waylaid over the weeks dealing with ill-fitting bras and hemming slacks. Still have one project in the basket that has yet to get a green light and will need most of tomorrow morning to deal with the clean up and put away. Not my most productive weekend.

The mister and I are having the face-cloth face-off.  Our difference is based on the fact that he buys expensive, thick and tightly woven facecloths and after showering hangs them to dry. Then complains they sour and smell stinky.

I on the other hand buy lighter-weight face cloths, use them once and send them to the washing machine. Years ago I gave up using terry cloth in the shower in favor of using a net-scrunchy-shower mesh which makes lots of foam and dries quickly.  He refuses to use liquid-foaming soap resorting to bar soaps (?), saturating the face cloth and leaving a tallow residue all over his shower.  Will he listen to me? Of course not.  He just ordered MORE of the $$ pricey thick terry cloths and is intent on using one a day. What do I care, it's his stinky soap and sour cloth. My facecloths get microwaved for 30 seconds to give me a morning-wake-up-facial.  Whose got the better deal? 

End of day at hand, and another week begins. . . .stay tuned.

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